
The package edn-query-language.core provides a suite of specs to validate queries and ASTs. It also provides generators for the query and helper functions to common query operations.

Clojure Specs

The EQL library provides specs to validate and generate queries.


You can validate the query syntax using clojure.spec, here is an example:

(s/valid? ::eql/query [:sample :query]) ; => true
(s/valid? ::eql/query [#{:set}]) ; => false
(s/valid? ::eql/query ['(call/op {})]) ; => true
s is alias for clojure.spec.alpha

You can use spec explain feature for more details:

(s/explain ::eql/query [#{:set}])
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/mutation-expr at: [:mutation :mutation] predicate: seq?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/mutation-join at: [:mutation :mutation-join] predicate: map?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/property at: [:prop] predicate: keyword?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/join at: [:join] predicate: map?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/ident at: [:ident] predicate: vector?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/param-expr at: [:param-exp] predicate: seq?
; In: [0] val: #{:set} fails spec: :edn-query-language.core/special-property at: [:special] predicate: #{(quote *)}

I suggest you check the sources for the specs for more details on parts that compose it, they will stay consistent and can be used to validate parts of the transaction as well.


EQL also provides built-in generators, the main intended usage for it is to write generative tests for parser implementations.

Basic example to generate random queries:

(gen/sample (s/gen ::query) 10)
 [(:?./*_ {}) :z/ZH]
 [#:J{:w {:c/!V [#:YY{:u [:u1/X?!
                          #:r94{:*+ [#:aG{:YA 2} :t!o/Ya1 :XL/HR #:!-Q{:b_ []}]}
          :j./!T [[:p/h*y :f?1]
                  #:s*{:-W []}
                   {[] #{}, [4] (0.5 :_ -3 -Ch), #{} #{}, #{-1 {##-Inf ?.1/e?A}} {}})],
          :z/s+ []}}
 [:?7/w :iO/! (:r/!N {{-2.0 false} [], [] [], [:P7] [0 J1]})]
 [:+Bi/-K :!8*/r0 :?/Cio]
 [:*.-/R* :+BT/W :-l8/c :Ih/V [:RE/- "0>WwI`u"] :H/vT]
gen is alias for clojure.test.check.generators

Although fully random queries can be interesting to test some parser edge cases, in many situations you will may want to constraint how the query is generated, with this in mind EQL provides a way to enable this kind of customization. To get a sense of what you can customize you can take a look at the default implementation for each default generator, any of those keys can be tuned to constraint how the query is generated.

To demonstrate how to use this, let’s customize the generator to limit the properties it generates to a fixed set we pre defined:

(gen/sample (eql/make-gen {::eql/gen-property ; (1)
                       (fn [_] (gen/elements [:id :name :title :foo :bar]))}
              ::eql/gen-query) ; (2)
 [[:X/q6 1] :name :title]
 [({:title [(L {#{} [], () [], #{-5} ()})
            (:name {{#{} {}} :., {} {}})
            {:name [:bar :title]}]}
   {[*+-] #{0.5625 #uuid"edf051fb-ab28-42d0-a941-152c4e87b060"},
    #{#uuid"712e7415-5148-400b-99db-cfb79004700e" -1/2} (),
    {} (:F/le9 #uuid"5ad52713-d13a-4888-bd92-2d1541c0387b" "" true)})
    {[(2.0 false) z/NO] [I./j #uuid"eef64a1d-8055-4ae7-95be-06bdc4f9cefd"], {} [""]}) [:id
                                                                                       ({:id [:name
 [:id :id]
 [{:foo [:name * [:mO/D MZ_/e0Z] :bar :foo]}]
1 We send a map to eql/make-gen to override some of the generator settings, any non defined keys will fallback to default implementation
2 Select which generator to use, this is useful to generate only sub-parts if needed

One more example changing many definitions:

(let [system (assoc generators
               (fn [_] (gen/map (gen/elements [:param :foo/param]) gen/string-ascii))

               (fn [_] (gen/elements [:id :name :title :foo :bar :other :price :namespaced/value]))

               (fn [_] (gen/elements [:user/by-id :other/by-id]))

               (fn [_] gen/string-ascii)

               (fn [_] (gen/elements '[do-something create/this-thing operation.on/space])))]
  (gen/sample ((::gen-query system) system)))
 [{:other []}]
 [{:price [{[:user/by-id "!"] []} :title]} :id]
 [:bar {[:other/by-id "@"] [:foo :other :name]}]
 [:name :id]
 [:price :title :id :name]
  ({:bar [[:user/by-id ""] :price {:id [:other]} :other]} {})
  {:name [:name
          {:bar [:name
                 ({[:user/by-id "AeA$;"] [:foo]}
                  {:foo/param "_+y9ihY", :param "Y@p5Bd5B"})

If you wanna see an even more advanced usage, you can check Pathom connect generator, which uses the Pathom connect index to generate queries that are valid according to the user property graph.

Removing specs on Clojurescript

If you are not using the specs provided by EQL you can free some build space by eliding then. To do that you need to set the Clojurescript compiler options with:

{:closure-defines {edn-query-language.core.INCLUDE_SPECS false}}

AST Encode/Decode

To convert between query and AST, EQL provides the helper functions eql/query→ast and eql/ast→query. Here are some example usages:

(eql/query->ast [:foo])
; => {:type :root, :children [{:type :prop, :dispatch-key :foo, :key :foo}]}

(eql/ast->query {:type :root, :children [{:type :prop, :dispatch-key :foo, :key :foo}]})
; => [:foo]

API Docs

Check the complete API docs at EQL cljdoc page.